Perfect Dark Simulants

Here's the list of all Simulants types, an evaluation, and there pro's & con's:

Level Types

Level: 1
Speed: 1
Aim: 1
Target locating: 0
Style: Has to stop and turn around to shoot
MeatSims are what the names says: dead meat! They are incredibly slow, can't find anybody or anything (walks around aimlessly) and when it runs into somebody, will stand in place, shoot to your left and your right on purpose. However, a lot people  think that one MeatSim is just as easy as 8, but that is not true. They can be especially annoying in groups, especially if your playing something other than combat. Still, you don't have to fear these guys, in fact, pick on them to get plenty of points!


Level: 2
Speed: 2
Aim: 2
Target locating: 1
Style: Can sometimes run around and shoot at the same time but can't side step
EasySims aren't much of a threat either, but they already have a little bit of training. They're slightly faster, and may try to find something but it is still very weak you don't need to put up much of a fight!


Level: 4
Speed: 5
Aim: 5
Target locating: 5
Style: May sometimes side-step
NormalSims are already quite strong, you will probably have to start to stand your guard when facing one of these. Quite fast and already a good shooter, don't take the NormalSims for granted, they can do some damage!


Level: 7
Speed: 6
Aim: 7
Target locating: 8
Style: Side-steps frequently
HardSims are, well, hard. They're what you'd expect...


Level: 9
Speed: 9
Aim: 8
Target locating: 9
Style: Always side-steps
PerfectSims are tuff! They have mastered the art of killing and are puglisting experts! Don't be surprised if they sneak up on you and disarm you. You can't outrun them, but they don't often stay in place - will often run by you several times and attempt to shoot you (run-by-shooting!)


Level: 10
Speed: 10
Aim: 10
Target locating: 10
Style: Picks a target and aims at it constantly (looking through walls)
Experts in the art of killing. Dangerous - no - deadly! Can kill you in an instant. No, he doesn't shoot cheap head shots unlike most people think, what happens is that he always aims directly in the body. He shoots so quickly and it only takes 2-3 heavy caliber bullets (his favorite), so it's practically an instant death, but it wasn't a headshot. (How I know this? I do this all the time!)

Special Types

PeaceSims will not attack you, they will only run around picking up weapons even if it means disarming you. Because they can't fight and they generally are loaded with weapons, they are excellent targets.


The Simulant incarnation of the typical "cheap" human player. Obviously their main target is to pick up the shield and try to not get "scratched" - as I call it - in their health bar. He may sometimes be annoying just as other "cheap" players.


RocketSims are Pyro fanatics ready to drop anything explosive on you. It doesn't matter what the explosive is or how close he is to you. He is however useful in dark areas...


This Kazikame Sim doesn't care about the odds, he just tries with whatever he has - very extreme! He has one MAJOR weakness: When he tries to punch you, he usually stands to far and becomes a sitting duck.


A.K.A Puglister, this Sim fights with clenched fists. Slightly different from the PeaceSim, the FistSim will attack directly after disarming you. Watch out, high level Sims can blur you up faster than a Tranquilizer. Their basic tactic is to trap you in a corner, by this time you're at there mercy (a Sim is programmed to kill, so you'll be in for it!)


PreySims are killers who want to accumulate lots of points easily. To do this they will harass weak opponents. Being a PreySim, Simulant's combat stats gain a small boost (because of there attitude).


CowardSims are anti-social. They'll avoid you if possible. If you run in to them, you can be sure that they'll run away, unless they have a descent advantage. When building challenges, I like to put one Hard-CowardSim as the boss, being protected by several Easy-PreySims as guards.


These Sims will chase the leader, as long as they aren't it, of course. Simple.


This Sim will pick a random target at the beginning of the game and chase it for the rest of the game.


When you set a Simulant to a SpeedSim setting, you increase it's level allot (twice as strong). SpeedSims are deadly, they are hard too aim at and you can't run from one, unless it runs into a closer target.


They are very bad in games where you have access to high powered weapons, but when playing with Pistols, he can be hard. His shield he starts with from the beginning is twice as strong as the regular one. However, he is quite slow.


Simple mission: get even with whoever killed them. Quite strong.

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