Player Ranks (Ratings)

Perfect Dark comes with a new feature which most of you have already discovered. Not only can you customize a character for you to use in Combat Simulator, but it can even count up stats that give plenty of info on how, and how long you have been playing. But what has remained a mystery is the ratings. You start off with Beginner:21 and rapidly descend to the next level. The more you go down, the longer it is to continue down. First, let's look at the ranks.

List of Titles

Perfect:1 Password

Statistic Definitions

Star Agent:14
Special Agent:13
Near Perfect:2

Obviously, Perfect:1 is the highest and Beginner:21 is the lowest. But now, "how do you achieve these stats?" - you ask me... It is quite simple. Take a look at this table:

Statistic Amount required
Kills 18,000
Damage Dealt 180,000 (180K)
Ammo Used 450,000 (450K)
Distance 9000km
Time 12:12:00 (12.5 days)
Games Won 900
Accuracy Medals 900
HeadShot Medals 900
KillMaster Medals 900
Survivor Medals 900

It is based on a pointing system. If "yikes" is the first word that comes to your head, let me reassure you. These are the stats you need to become Perfect:1. You can get points at certain intervals and when you get enough points, you move on. When you are at the Beginner:21 rating you will barely need, say twenty kills to advance, where as at Near Perfect:2 you'll need 6000 more kills to get a point to go to Perfect:1. A good way to boost your stats (only if you don't care about being honorable and just want to skip to Perfect:1) is to use my multi cheats in the cheats section.

Now there is only one more thing left: The pass-word and username when you reach Perfect:1. Let's look at it:

perfectsmall.JPG (84120 bytes)

No, it's not a fake. I simply used a little glitch code I created myself to get rid of the red background...
Here is the stats for one of my Perfect:1 players. Notice under the title:


These are the famous passwords and usernames when you reach Perfect:1. But what the hell now? Plenty of gamers who reached this too where, at first, happy to have "unlocked" this. They frantically searched the game for new hidden levels, guns, characters, cheats or new options - all in vain. Nothing, of course it doesn't make any sense, as any body could make a copy of the player file with the Perfect:1 rank and pass it on to friends, then the whole block would be playing with any hidden stuff. Other people thought that their passwords where original till they went on the web and found a pack of passwords with the same value each. Still others believe that they could use the passwords to access the Carrington Institute and dataDyne sites. Nope.

And then... and then there is PD Zero on it's way... What about that? We are sure the passwords won't let you continue as your character. But perhaps as a special one... Or to unlock certain things. We aren't sure about this though because Rare is probably aware that the whole internet community knows about this. One thing that is for sure, the username and password will reappear somewhere in PD Zero, somehow.


If you are wondering how each category is determined, search no longer! You have found it.

Stats What they mean
Kills Your total amount of kills (duh!)
Deaths Your total amount of times you got killed or suicided
Accuracy Accumulative of your current average accuracy from depleted shots (average is calculated with the current rating and your more recent rating divided by 2 - is NOT the average of ALL shots). At the beginning of a match, accuracy is set to 0% and is affected only by gun shots (rocket shells, etc. do not affect it)
Head Shots Your total amount of shots depleted in the opponent's head.

Ammo Used Your total amount of ammunition depleted by you (only bullets - rocket shells, etc. don't count)
Damage Dealt Your total amount of damage depleted on all enemies, dead or alive. Amount counted in damage points (one death equals out to 10 damage points).
Pain Received Your total amount of damage received from all enemies, dead or alive. Amount counted in damage points (one death equals out to 10 damage points).

Games Played Your total amount of matches played or assisted; including won, lost and drawn matches.
Games Won Your total amount of matches won or completed.
Games Lost Your total amount of matches lost, incomplete or failed.
Time Accumulative of active playing time by your character. First set as an hour timer (hour/min/sec), changes into a day timer (day/hour/min) once a full day (24 hours) has been clocked.
Distance Your total amount of distance covered by the character during gameplay. A virtual km (metric - 1 kilometer =aprox. 0.6 miles) is about what you'd expect in real life, that's if you scale down to the size of the screen.

Medals Won:
Accuracy Your total amount of accuracy stars (green). Calculated only in 2-player or more matches. If at least one human player has an average of over 50%, the player with the highest accuracy ratings wins the star. At the beginning of a match, accuracy is set to 0% and is affected only by gun shots (rocket shells, etc. do not affect it)
Head Shots Your total amount of head shot stars (yellow). Calculated only in 2-player or more matches. The human player with the highest amount of head shots wins the star.
Kill Master Your total amount of kill master stars (red). Given to the player with the most kills (humans or sims alike).
Survivor Your total amount of survivor stars (blue). Given to the player with the least deaths (humans or sims alike).

Your Title Your rating. See way above for details.

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