Battle Tips

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People have been bugging me about it... so here it is. I am not called "The Best" for nothing. I am a real expert at the game. So I finally released my tips for duking it out. If you study them well enough, and practice real hard, you may just be rewarded. You may become an elite player.

Before we begin...

The most important thing that differences an elite player than an amateur player is not the speed at which someone can mash buttons, but at the intelligence they put into it with the navigability and "smartness" they play. Sure, quick reflexes and great controller comfort are essential too, but just sitting in a corner of the level and blasting an opponent that appears around the corner wont get you far.


Beginner Tactics

Rule#1: The first thing you must know is an important factor and that is experience. Don't expect to start kicking but right after you read this. These are tactics only used by the top players in the world. Master them (will take some time) and you will enter the ranks of elite players of the world. All top players at least know every weapon, function and level by heart and know exactly what is best used in certain circumstances. If you don't have this, leave now and come back later!

Rule#2: Learn how to use the radar properly. To be a champ, you'll have to master the radar and know exactly how it works.  Line yourself with an opponent even when he is out of site. Pick your closest target from the radar and face him as a Dark sim would. Although this is important, for now, just make sure you are prepared for him and ready to shoot right when he goes around that corner. You can catch a lot of people off guard like this.

Rule#3: Pick the right weapon. A carpenter is useless without his saws and hammers, and that's why you need tools too. Like I mentioned in Rule#1, picking the right gun for the right moment is very important. For example: If you want to take a big bunch of enemies in the same area, are you going to use a Falcon2 or a Shotgun...? NO. Terrible mistake. You have to spread your attack, so use an automatic weapon or use explosives. Of course, running around with a big heavy gun isn't ideal either. It's better than a weak gun, but you usually run out of ammo quickly. For more detail, see the Advanced section.


Intermediate Tactics

Rule#4: Sidestepping. I don't know a single good player who doesn't side step. It's relatively easy to learn and it is an enormous help. The first factor is that you walk faster. As you hold the control stick slightly to the side and sidestep in the opposite direction at the same time, you will still run straight but also faster. Plus, sidestepping allows you to strafe attacks. By only sidestepping around an opponent you can make yourself a harder target and thereby avoid some of the shots. However, this is only useful when fighting advanced sims or other humans. Using this with Meatsims will probably get yourself even more hit.

Rule#5: Some people might find that it gives very little help, but manually reloading does help A LOT!!! If you can manage to train yourself so that reloading manually is a reflex, you can get a serious edge on your competition. It is possible, and when you do, you deliver battles much less slugily. But you can't just start reloading here and there. The critical moments to reload are: after you kill somebody and when you run into a showdown pause (when you and/or your opponent pulls back and the confrontation comes to a still - aftermath). Even better, is when you side step around a corner or other object as you reload.

Rule#6: The final rule is, aiming. Aiming, when not using precision weapons such as the Sniper Rifle or the Farsight XR-20, is quite important. The game is all about speed and how fast you can "deploy yourself". So in order to master the game, you have to play quickly. Now, I find aiming with R incredibly slow, and this will hamper my strongest battle ability: my uncanny quick reflexes. To solve this problem, I have developed a quicker way of aiming. Using the top and bottom C-buttons, I look up and down as I walk, so I can adjust my x variable aiming degree (for those who never were good in math, vertical position). And I use the control stick to turn (and then run to) on to my opponent for the y variable aiming degree(horizontal position). I have now mastered this too and it is just as natural as sidestepping (by now, I keep my right thumb on the C buttons as much as my left one on the joystick).

What do I have now, after all of this? The right to claim myself as one of the worlds top GE/PD players. I am now a very quick player who has mastered the art of killing. But, wait... we still aren't done. For extra tips, read on!


Advanced Tactics (Separate tips)

Grenade Launcher: Up to now, I just talked about playing, but not the actual guns. Here are a few tips, starting with the Grenade Launcher. You might think you know how to use one, but are you really using it the right way - like the pros do? A Grenade Launcher is much different then a gun. It shoots out grenades that bounce off walls and explode on impact when they hit the floor. You probably knew this - but did you know that there are plenty of techniques to use them with? You can bounce them around corners, up ramps, shoot it lopsided, make an air raid, or - one I invented myself - the Barrage. The Barrage simply consists of creating an explosion between you and your opponent to keep him from shooting explosives at you. The explosions will catch up to him and eventually blow him up. Another advantage with this is that it "screens" him so he gets confused. Also, the best places to use any Grenades is at a door or down any kind of shaft. But I haven't gotten to the most important rule. When using Grenade Launchers, you will have to aim much differently. If you wish to hit a target at the other side of the level, you will need to launch your Grenade pretty hi to make it manage the distance. However, at close range, you must aim low, at the feet. Shooting it at regular height will make the Grenade bounce off the target or miss it completely. In all, a true expert only uses his intuition to aim it properly. You have to figure this out on your own with experience.

Steady aim: Tired of your guns shooting crooked? A simple way to fix this is: to crouch to steady your aim. This is particularly efficient with the Reaper, and also with the Sniper Rifle. When you are zoomed in at maximum, your cross hair won't drift off across the whole screen.

Mastering the Farsight XR-20: Yes, the Farsight XR-20 is a hard gun to use. There is something you should do when using it. For maximum efficiency (you should always use it's second function - of course) turn towards a close enemy using your radar and then press R to Snipe him. Of course, this is using Rule#2 of the Basic Tactics. Keep practicing, build up that sharp eye and time your reflexes properly!

More to come...

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