Golden Eye Cheats

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Welcome to my Golden Eye cheat page! Here you will find tons of information about Golden Eye cheats, great pictures of them and accurate descriptions. I assure you that all my cheats work at 100%. I have personally tested them all and I swear that they all work. If you aren’t able to do them, you are doing them wrong. For help on them just e-mail me! Other,untested, unofficial cheats are in the unofficial cheat section, and if there are some that you don’t find, they are in the built-in cheat section with cheats and levels etc. you unlock.


Mix and match
Sniping Shotgun Sniping Shotgun This is the easiest way to get different guns out at the same time. I strongly recommend using all guns, or else going into the archives. x2 cheats (i.e.: x2 Laser) don’t work however, since you can’t pull the guns out one at a time, unless you pick up the x2 cheat gun in the level that you are playing - there you can pull them out separately. Take any pair of guns and do the following: When the pair is out, press "A". When the next gun is coming up, press "A+Z" (you have to do this fairly rapidly) so that the gun cycle will start to cycle back right after the ascending gun comes up. But to keep the gun that is coming up from going back, fire with the "Z" button to keep the gun locked (make sure you aren’t still holding "A", everybody does that mistake because they don’t keep a cool head, they try to rush through and then get all impatient and frustrated...). Then the second gun should come up (the left one is the one from the pair that you started with, the right one will always be the second gun you fired). My favorite is the "Sniping Shotgun". Hope this clarifies things for most people who don’t understand this cheat from other sites (to tell you the truth, I hardly understand them either!).


Three hands!?!
 Three Hands With the "All Guns" cheat, do the mix-and-match cheat (see above) with your first pair of guns being the Laser. Bond should be holding in his left hand a Laser, and in his right hand... his Watch Laser is being held by 2 where did he get the extra hand?


More hand cheating
 Paintbrush Is Bond an alien or what? It seems that he definitely has a third hand! If you want to go around slapping using Bond’s backward hand (a.k.a.: Paintbrush) take off all cheats and do the following: In the "Dam" level, go straight to the first tower and climb up the inside stairs. You must avoid all contact with guards whatsoever, so don't take the outside stairs, otherwise you will run into one. Pick up the Sniper Rife and press "A" three times (stay on the PP7 right from the beginning of the level). Bond will then pull out what seems to be his ripped of arm. Well this does explain where he holds one of his extra guns that he is not holding. Check out the picture on the left!


Instant Remote Mine explosion
Everybody knows this cheat! But it’s here anyway! To make the Remote Mines blow up in the middle of the air without switching to the Detonator, just press A+B. Easy!


Floating objects in "Bunker 1"
Explosion Rockets In mid-air Another classic cheat: In "Bunker 1", to make objects such as mines, grenades, rockets, etc.... even knives float in the air (if you get the "All Guns" cheat using a game shark, you get other items which will float too)just turn on the "All Guns" cheat, run over to the big control room and throw 8 mines on the 8 TV screens (one on each) and blow them up! If no TV screen falls down, that means that the cheat worked and you can start placing hovering items all over the place...This is a fun cheat!

Note: You can do this in multiplayer too. Just select the Bunker level and Remote Mines as your main weapon. The only thing is that you can only play around with floating Mines - nothing else.


Duck under truck
Let it run you over! Inside the truck Hehehe...this is a pretty rare cheat to find on the Web. That green truck had its secrets...until now! If you feel like taking a "cruis’n for a bruis’n" and check what is under the truck or, to be more exact, in the truck, put on the "Tiny Bond" cheat and go in the "Dam" level. Run in front of the truck, duck and let it squish you. Internal navigation is quite difficult, though...


Walking on air
In side the wall Fly like an eagle Fun cheat! This cheat is done by using "Tiny Bond" - yet again. Go find yourself a cool flight of stairs, like one that has a slanted roof (i.e. Bunker - any). At the top of the staircase, duck and start walking down - walking, not running! If you are looking down you will notice that you are in the air! Unfortunately, at the bottom of the stairs you fall down. Here is the cool thing to do though: When you are in the air, you can pass through some walls that don’t have clipping and that, normally, you wouldn’t be able to reach. Through these walls you find the bottom of the staircase and the rest is the basic background of the level. Cool levels to try are these: "Bunker, Felicity, Frigate..."


End scene shooting
Killing some guards Feel like shooting in the end cinema scene? Here's a cheat for you: just before exiting a level, turn you control style into a two player controller set-up. During the end scene, press controller two's Z button to fire with the last gun you had! You can kill people if there are any.
Note: The second player controller must be set to fire with Z and not aim (duh...!).


x2 AR33 in Caves
Shoot the boxThis proves that I didn't use all guns to fake it! This is a fun secret: to get double AR33 in Caves, shoot at a box near some glass in the room where there is plenty of scientists, explosive barrels and a radio. A smaller box will appear from it, then an even smaller one, and finally, two monitors each containing an AR33!


Back up in the vents
Out of the vent......everybody in it! To get back up the vents in Facility, walk onto the toilet and press R+rightC+left(control stick). Sooner or later you will get up. But to actually get into the vents, you'll have to backup into them manually because you will only hang there by using the code. if you feel you are getting nowhere, reposition yourself and start again.


Cloning Characters in multi
A small army in multi Here is a useful and easy trick to clone characters in multi. Make the highest player (by controller - if your playing 4 players, use 4th player) select the character you want to be cloned by 2nd, 3rd and 4th players only. Go out and select the game as a 3 player game and select your characters (highest takes the cloned character)... Repeat with only two players, and once you're done selecting the cloned character for P2, select the game as a 4 player game again. Now start playing immediately (at least don't go back into the character selection screen!). -Simple!

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