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Welcome to the Perfect Dark cheats section. I swear that every single cheat here works. Ive tested them all personally many times, and any cheat unaproved by me is put in the unofficial cheats section. Other cheats might be in the built-in cheats section which only includes cheats and levels etc. that you unlock. |
Easy all stars in target practice | |
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Having problems in target practice? Heres a cheat for you, if you dont mind using cheap cheats...Begin with the laptop gun training, start deploying it (try against the wall for best results) but before it deploys, switch to a gun training that is hard (by pressing START). If done correctly, the laptop gun will deploy itself at the beginning of the new training mission, you selected and you will still get the regular gun that is provided to complete that mission. The laptop gun will collect points and break targets. Your accuracy rating will not be affected and it will stay at 100% as long as you dont shoot with the other gun. However (theres always a little something...), in certain cases, it might break the target before getting all the points available. For example: with the DY357-LX gold star, you have a limit of shots, the target breaks after a certain number of shots are depleted on it and you have to hit practically all your shots in the center. Thus, if you deploy your laptop gun, itll break the target without picking up all the points you need to pass the level, because the laptop gun is not able to shoot all its shots in the center. |
More naughty cheating | |
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!! Up-Date !!: To get knives outside the training room, place them on the crate from inside the trianing room and then bring it up to the gadget departement. Go back down, shoot it with the Farsight XR-20 and then go back up, start training and pick up the knives. |
Up-Date: I found out a more simple way of doing it! If you position yourself
precisely in front of the door it will still stay open! Now you can use the box to fly through the second door easily!![]() ![]() |
Wish you could play a little more with guns and gadgets in Carrington Institute (not the mission)? This cheat is for you. Head to the hangar where the drop ship waits for you in the missions (the one with a huge garage door and a computer on a box, for whoever didnt play that far). Take the hovercrate (the floating box in the air...duh!), bring it back up to the target practice room and place it on the left side (from outside the glass room) of the glass door to block it but so that you can still get in from the right side. Pick a gun and shoot the guy standing outside the room... Once you're bored with that, try going for a spin in the Carrington Institute through the Slayers second function: Fly-by-wire. You can make it through the second pair of doors if you open them up quickely and run back to the T.R. (Watch the corners!!!). You can block the door of the gadget training room too and... hey! Since when do little flying robots press elevator buttons? Unfortunately you can't walk outside the T.R. with a weapon. Same thing goes for the gadget T.R....oh man! |
Another one of those cheats... |
Heres a simple fast cheat: to pick up your laptop gun, press B when you are standing next to it. |
Hard is easy? | |
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Here is an exclusive cheat that is only available on my site (for how
long, I wonder...) To skip the end guards that stand behind boxes in the mission, Pelagic
II in Special and Perfect agent, do the following: Head to the place were you activate the
pool lift (it is situated down the corridor from the beginning, through a double set of
doors, down the corridor some more to the end, where you hang a left through another door
and then go through the next door to the right), climb the stairs to your left as you
enter, turn on your X-ray scanner and face the wall in front of you. There should be a
box. Activate it (B) and a door to your left will open right in front of the end! Believe
me, it works. Note: The reason for the title "Hard is easy" is because in Agent difficulty the door is locked. |
Cloaking Device trick | |
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This has remained very hidden for quite a while - till somebody e-mailed
me to tell me about it. To get the Cloaking Device cheat you must use a trick! Here it is: Instead of sending the CamSpy straight in the conspirator's meeting room, leave it in front of the opening and continue to the vault (make sure the alarm doesn't go off!!!). Place the Decoder on the computer and IMMEDIATELY switch to the CamSpy and send it in the meeting room before the security says "Intruder alert! All security to the vault!". Watch the movie while you wait for the countdown to finish. Now you just have to pick up the backup data (don't forget it - it's in the vault) and then head straight out of the fire escape! This doesn't solve the cloaked guards, however, so you'll have to deal with them quickly (try to learn there pattern). |
Finally out of Lucerne Tower! | |
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This might not be a cheat, but it is damn good! To take a look from outside dataDynes tower, go to the third level - "dataDyne Central- extraction". Take a hike as fast as you can up to the second accessible floor, kill the first dataDyne guard you see around the corner if he still is there, take his keycard and go back downstairs. You now have the key to open every door in the level (including the entrance to the bottom of the tower). Just watch where you step outside - after a while there is no more clipping on the ground (i.o.w. you may fall through the floor!). Through another door are two female dataDyne bodyguards and a Mr. Blonde (in Special and Perfect agent there are also 2 Rockets in 2 ammo cases). For a detailed explanation of this see my mysteries section... |
Just for fun...hehehe | |
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Just to play around with Carrington in "Villa - Hostage One" at the end, go in Co/Counter-Op and race to the end of the level. Make one player open the door, but keep it half-open by standing in front of it, just enough so you can slip in with the other character. You can destroy Carringtons stool. Shoot him red or just simply explore the little and uninteresting room. |
Opening locked doors |
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Here's a trick that works great! By doing it, you can get most locked
doors open. First you'll need some type of cloaking device. Get some atenchion from some
guards and then cloak yourself infront of the door. Now wait as the confused guards walk
around you. At a certain point, a guard will open up a locked door! Try this at several
places including my favorites: -Air Force One: You can open up the door that the terrorists come in through after you convince the President by doing the previus trick. I found it out by acident as I was fooling around on the Air Force One. -Area 51 (partI): Behind the first floor door in the hangar of the first mission in Area 51 is the complexe you would normally visit in the next mission. However, the elevator is gone, no guards are present, but Jonathan and another guard are sitting in a corner near the beginning of the next level (wich happens to be the end of the current mission). They are invinsible and won't move or talk, but you can shoot their guns of! This is exactly the same type of manifestation that we see in my cheat "Finally out of Lucerne Tower!". -G5 Building: I haven't managged it but I think that you could pass through the door connecting to the meeting room in the G5 Building (the door is right under the hole where you send your Camspy in). I've checked through the door with X-ray and you defenetly can see the meeting room up ahead. It's only screened by a wall, but if you could get through the door, you could walk around it on both sides. |
End Scene Alterning |
To change the movie scene at the end, do one of the following: -Shooting someone before the end scene will either make them appear all bloody or even dead. -Certain missions will end with Joanna carrying a gun. At some of them and if your previous weapon is one-handed, she will finish with it instead. -The effects of gogles, and the Farsight XR-20 remain at the end even if you arn't looking through Jo's view. -Cloaked people remain cloacked. -Mission events and objects change... -Side stepping into the end changes Jo's angle rotation. -Lighting affects and other cheats such as Big Heads appear. |
Easy Dual | |
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Just a thing to try: In Perfect Agent, with All Guns or Laptop Gun, you can finish the level in less than 6 seconds. Just deploy the gun at the beginning and let them die!!! |
All Challenges |
Very simple: Create a really easy challenge in the advanced setup option (say - one Meatsim with the limit of 1 kill) and save it. Press START on Player 2s controller and start loading the saved game but dont load it right away. Make Player 1 move to the left and select a challenge and start it. Player 2 then confirms loading the easy pre-set challenge. When you beat the "new" challenge it should count as winning the challenge that Player 1 selected. Just make sure you give an appropriate limit to the saved game or else you will be playing forever! |
Plenty of kills in multi |
Here's a nifty trick if you want to upgrade your stats quickly. In the Felicity, play
alone (human players) with 8 MeatSims on your team in a Capture the Case scenario. Make
all the weapons Remote Mines. Start a game with your base in the bathroom - if you end up
somewhere else, reload the game. Place your Simulants on "guard case" and throw
some mines near the briefcase, and make sure that at least one mine is placed ON a
simulant. Get out of there and blow up! The explosions will keep going on and the sims
will keep dying in their own base! Stay in a corner and don't move, In an hour, you'll
have accumulated at least 30000 kills (instead of watching a continues earthquake severe
your TV, just unplug the cable that links your TV to the Nintendo - not the power cord!!!
- and watch some TV)! !Warning! Make sure you do the following if you don't want to screw up badly: -The trick doesn't always start on the first time. Make sure your mines are placed very carefully! -If you die, you start back in your base and the only way to stop the game will be to turn the Nintendo off (the kills won't be saved). An easy way to prevent this - if your to clumsy - is too put the sims against you, but it will be harder to set everything up. -Put it on unlimited, or else the game will end quickly. Then again, this is a solution to the problem above. -Watch for any sims running around. Some may run around without getting caught in the explosion. -Once the explosion starts, playing with other mines and making them blow up might make the trick stop. Just drop your controller for a while! |
Multi trick #2 & #3 |
Here are two more simple tricks I came up with to boost your other stats quickly. #2: For plenty of stars, set a two-player game (no sims) with pistols in a small level, turbo mode and 1kill score limit. Only player 2 moves his character, and ONLY shoots twice - in the head of player two. You'll get all four stars in a few seconds. This may be boring, but you can manage about 15 of each before you get bored. Do this during a few days and you'll see you stats sky-rocket. #3: To get maximum distance with little effort, play completely alone with turbo mode on in a big level with no pits. Simply pull back on the control stick so that you walk backwards and in a circle. While your walking, press START+R+L at the same time to block the control stick (pressing these buttons will reset the neutral control stick position which is the equivalent to when you press the control stick to the side as you turn the Nintendo on - bet you didn't know that huh?). Now you just have to wait... You can even do this while your doing the kills cheat. When you feel dizzy enough, without pressing on the control stick, press the START+R+L buttons simultaneously to reset it the proper way. |