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The best here!!! Hey hey! My old golden eye site :')...
brings tears to my eyes. Hey, such emotion... my first web work
ever, still here.... BTW I've moved on to a new name (DarkMatrix),
and new projects (Dark
Clan ET SITE don;t hesitate to drop a line). I'm glad to see
people still visit this site alot, and I get alot of fan mail
:) Sorry if I don't get time to answer them anymore. Be assured
tho, I have read them all and aswered almost every singleone!
It's been fun runing this site over the years, sadly enough it
won't be growing any bigger. Well in any case it's big enough.
I'd like to thank everyone for stoping by. Happy fragging!
PS, BTW rumor is Golden Eye 2 is on it's way!
PD Walkthrough almost completed with the help of Dane
Wilson. |
So it's been a year! Well almost. I have been doing some fixes here and
there from the still incoming e-mail. :)
PD and GE arn't totally dead! Yeah! Nyways, just doing a quick update, and added a few
more updated infos. |
All right, people. I've finally gotten board of computer games, it's time to get
back to buisness. I see there are still plenty of people interested in Golden Eye and
Perfect Dark, so, I'll make a little effort. I'll get ALL THOSE SUBMITTED CHALLENGES UP,
as long as their good, of course. While where at it, if anybody would like to take over as
the challenge poster, to replace me, just drop me a line. I promise i'll get those last
challenges up this week. As for spamers, I am warning you, you are waisting your time if
you want links to this site. It is reserved for Home Brewn Web Pages and other, no
commercial SHIT. As For Perfect Dark 2, we can forget about it, for now, because Rare has
been baught out. |
Two and a half levels done in the PD walkthrough. The Submitted Challenges has
greatly been updated, 7 new and whicked never before seen challenges. Also, I've remade my
Forum. I'm inviting everybody to go there. Be the first to post a message! Finally, as
usual, a new poll. |
Well my site is coming to that point where there is not much more to be done. The
only thing left, is the PD Walkthrough, and I've lost interest in making more Golden Eye
pages. If you have any suggestions or demands of what you want to see on my site, e-mail
them, otherwise, this site will remain quite dead till Perfect Dark Zero comes out. Maybe,
I'll make a "Tid-Bits page" witch would contain small things I missed through
out my site, a compilation of users's information I already knew, but that was not present
on my site.
Finally, beacuse I'm tired of answering this question 10 times a day, If you can't play
missions and are just stuck with 2-player challenges, it's because you don't have an
expansion pack. Bye one, or else you'll miss out on 99% of the game! |
Due to server side problems, no sim settings have been sent correctly in the
Challenge Subission Form since January 1st. I therfore ask to the people who have sent in
a challenge since January 1st , to resend it (as if you wern't going to do so anyway).
-Sorry. |
PD characters are done, as well as the username and pasword for Perfect:1 in the
multi-player rankings. Check'em both out.
Two new submitted challenges, and even more on the way. Keep sending more in!
Next up: PD Glitches. I have a whole new list of juicy things to try out. I'm just waiting
for some pics to turn out. |
Hey people. I've been inactive on the web for over a week now. I was stuck in the
hospital. I'm back though and into work again... |
If you havent noticed by now, GEPDHQ has recieved some changes in honor of the new
year. Christmas has come and passed, a new year has arrived...
The poll has changed. It seems most people don't have a GCN...
One of the most significant changes, the submitted Challenge has expanded and the
submission form has been up-dated. This has become a very hot place now. Thanks to all the
people who have sent some in, and keep 'em coming. But I'm asking you to only send one
copy. I look at every one, and sending it back in won't raise your chances of getting in,
but actually you'll have less luck. I work as fast as I can. |
Please click and vote for GEPDHQ!
GEPDHQ is trademark of
Golden Eye - Perfect Dark HQ, all rights reserved.
All screen shots with the GEPDHQ logo are property of Golden Eye - Perfect Dark HQ. Golden
Eye, Perfect Dark are trademarks of Rare, published by Nintendo
1997, 2000 (respectively). The Best - Webmaster and
editor of Golden Eye - Perfect Dark HQ, 2001, 2002. |